What Does The AL-SASK Regional Service Committee Do?

The purpose of the AL-SASK RSC is to be supportive to the Areas and Groups within our Region by helping Areas and Groups deal with their basic needs and situations, and by encouraging the growth of the fellowship.

A Vision for NA Service

All of the efforts of Narcotics Anonymous are inspired by the primary purpose of our groups. Upon this common ground, we stand committed.

Our vision is that one day:

  • Every addict in the world has the chance to experience our message in his or her own language and culture and find the opportunity for a new way of life;
  • Every member, inspired by the gift of recovery, experiences spiritual growth and fulfillment through service;
  • NA service bodies worldwide work together in a spirit of unity and cooperation to support the groups in carrying our message of recovery;
  • Narcotics Anonymous has universal recognition and respect as a viable program of recovery.

Honesty, trust, and goodwill are the foundation of our service efforts, all of which rely upon the guidance of a loving Higher Power.

AL-SASK Mission

The AL-SASK Regional Committee brings the entire Region together to further the common welfare of its Member Areas and Narcotics Anonymous as a whole.

As a Regional Service Committee we strive to do the following:

  • Support our areas and groups, promote unity and offer mentorship;
  • Develop service forums to highlight and increase awareness;
  • To carry the conscience of the Region to the Canadian Assembly of Narcotics Anonymous (CANA/ACNA) and the World Serice Conference (WCS);
  • To clearly communicate from the Canadian Assembly of Narcotics Anonymous (CANA/ACNA) and the Narcotics Anonymous World Services (NAWS) to our member Areas;
  • To act always in accordance with the spirit of the Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions, and the Twelve Concepts;
  • To be ever minful of spiritual principles.

AL-SASK Region History

The AL-SASK Regional Service Committee held its first meeting on the weekend of November 22nd, 1986 when representatives from Calgary, Edmonton, Regina, Saskatoon and Red Deer met in Edmonton to discuss the possibility of forming a Regional Service Committee. Since that time the format, structure, and meeting place has been altered many times to accommodate the needs of our Areas as well as the Regional committee itself.

Our Regional borders are such that we attempt to serve approximately 500,000 square miles of countryside including all of the provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan as well as parts of British Columbia and the Northwest Territories. In the early days, our Region was made up of the four major centres within our borders, Calgary, Edmonton, Regina and Saskatoon. Within a few years of inception Central Alberta and the Northern Lights areas were formed and joined the Regional Service Committee. Central Alberta was represented by both Calgary and Edmonton for a period of time but now has returned to the Regional body as its own Area. Northern Lights had left but returned, and the Peace Area (Grande Prairie) is now an active member of this Region.

The Areas of the AL-SASK Region are:

  • Peace Area: Grande Prairie, Grimshaw, Dawson Creek, Fort St. John, Peace River
  • Northern Lights Area: Fort McMurray
  • Edmonton Area: Cold Lake, Edmonton, Hinton, Leduc, Lloydminster, Sherwood Park, Slave Lake, Spruce Grove, St. Albert, Stony Plain, Wabasca, Whitecourt
  • Central Alberta Area: Red Deer, Sylvan Lake, Lacombe, Stettler, Camrose, Wetaskwin, Olds, Drayton Valley
  • Chinook Area: Airdrie, Calgary, Canmore, Cranbrook, Drumheller, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat, Three Hills.
  • Central Saskatchewan Area: Humboldt, Meadow Lake, Melfort, North Battleford, Prince Albert, Saskatoon, Warman
  • Southern Sasketchewan Area: Estevan, Kahkewistahaw, Moose Jaw, Regina, Shaunavon, Standing Buffalo, Swift Current, Weyburn.
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